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Bangladesh + 1 more

UNHCR Bangladesh Operational Update, 1 - 31 December 2019


The second phase of the Government of Bangladesh-UNHCR Joint Registration process has been completed. Some 819,787 persons received identity documents under the process. The third phase will commence in January 2020 with continuous registration.

UNHCR has completed the winterization distributions for 88,000 refugee families. Blankets and other core relief items have helped families to stay warm as temperatures dropped in December and January.

Bangladeshi authorities have started to place fencing around some refugee settlements in Cox’s Bazar district, citing security concerns. UNHCR is concerned about the potential impact on freedom of movement and has advocated for a proportional response.

Operational Context

  • The overall situation of refugees in Cox’s Bazar is stable. Restrictions on freedom of movement remain in place. The Government of Bangladesh has started to enforce this restriction through the fencing of some camps, with security concerns cited as one of the factors behind the decision. UNHCR’s view is that the civilian and humanitarian character of the camps must be maintained, and any restrictions that may hamper freedom of movement and access to basic services should be clearly related and proportionate to identified security risks. The agency continues to maintain contact with the authorities on the issue of fencing to understand its plans and implications and encourages the authorities to undertake consultations with refugees and the host community on such measures. A ban on the use of SIM cards limiting refugees’ access to information on the Internet has remained in place. This has also affected refugees’ ability to contact the authorities, humanitarian agencies, service providers and family members living abroad in many cases.

  • Planning for the humanitarian response in Cox’s Bazar in 2020 took a step forward with consultations on 4 December between humanitarian actors and the Government of Bangladesh. Stakeholders included the Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner (RRRC), district and sub-district chairpersons, line ministries, military representatives, Camp-in-Charge (CIC) officials, the UN Resident Coordinator, UN agencies, NGOs (local, national, international), civil society, and donors. A Joint Response Plan was agreed which will be launched in 2020.

  • UNHCR, among other humanitarian actors in Cox’s Bazar, marked 16 Days of Activism against GenderBased Violence in late November and early December. It is an annual event launched on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and ending on Human Rights Day (10 December). This year’s campaign saw the participation of UNHCR, other UN and NGO agencies, Government partners and refugees. Each of the activities undertaken acknowledged the gravity of GenderBased Violence globally and sought to increase awareness and renew commitments by all those with the ability to prevent and respond to abuses. Among the activities undertaken by UNHCR were discussion sessions with refugee women, sensitization activities for men and boys, art competitions and cultural programmes, theatrical performances and other events that are estimated to have reached over 10,000 people in refugee and host communities.

  • A high-level delegation from the Government of Myanmar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with ASEANERAT visited Cox’s Bazar and met with refugees on 18 and 19 December. In their meeting with Rohingya refugees, the Myanmar delegation presented the voluntary return process, outlining a stay at a reception centre upon return to Myanmar, plans for village reconstruction, restoration of property, and health and educational support. The Rohingya refugees reiterated the need for security and restoration of rights, including provision of citizenship. The delegation also met with a group of Hindu Rohingya refugees on the second day. UNHCR hopes that these discussions will continue to take place on a regular basis.