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Bangladesh + 1 more

UNHCR Bangladesh: Education Factsheet | 31 March 2023



UNHCR Education Support 70,207 Individuals enrolled

UNHCR currently reaches 15.3% of the school-age refugee population. In Q1 2023, 70,207 refugees between 3-24 years of age were enrolled in UNHCR-supported education programmes in early childhood development (ECD), pre-primary, primary, secondary, youth and adolescent education programmes through 1,752 learning facilities including 1,235 community-based learning facilities. UNHCR provided support and incentives to 1,751 teachers/facilitators (75% refugees) throughout the quarter.

Myanmar Curriculum

In January 2020, the Government of Bangladesh approved the introduction of the Myanmar Curriculum.
By 31 March 2023, over 38,000 children (including more than 18,400 girls) had transitioned from the Learning Competency Framework and Approach (LCFA) to the Myanmar Curriculum (MC), reaching grades KG-2, and 6-9. In July, the MC programme will be scaled up to reach the remaining grades of 3-5. Given insufficient numbers of qualified Burmesespeaking instructors for all grades of the MC, UNHCR and partner CODEC began piloting classroom instruction through prerecorded audio-files, or MP4s, in February 2023. The MP4 pilot targets 200 grade 1 learners (50% girls) in Camps 1E and 2W, and has resulted in improved Myanmar language skills and pronunciation for both teachers and learners.