Community Outreach Members (COMs) 560 Members
COMs are refugee volunteers who provide invaluable support to their communities, raising awareness on a variety of subjects through group sessions and door- to- door visits. COMs provide information relevant to refugees’ daily lives including on access to services, cyclone and monsoon preparedness, and key protection risks such as child marriage. They are also trained to identify people with specific needs, provide community-based support and make referrals to relevant services. COMs also facilitate projects across camps which engage communities to respond to shared concerns and include constructive activities, such as organizing literacy classes for adults, adolescent chess clubs, and handicraft skills workshops for women. COMs conduct activities in 27 camps in Cox’s Bazar.
Community Groups 144 Groups
Female and male, adult and youth community groups work together to support their communities through monthly projects. They lead the identification of needs and gaps through participatory planning meetings, and then develop service projects and community-led discussions to address the needs of the communities. UNHCR and partners support the groups to carry out different projects identified and prioritized through community discussion. The service projects range from small scale infrastructure repairs to handwashing campaigns and distribution of handicrafts. The community groups programme currently functions in 31 camps.