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Bangladesh + 1 more

Rohingya Refugee Emergency: Operational Dashboard: 2020 Indicators Monitoring (31 July 2020)



More than 860,400 Rohingya refugee women, men, girls and boys are hosted in Cox’s Bazar District, including 35,060 registered refugees who arrived in the 1990s (4%), and other unregistered Rohingya refugees who had settled in host communities prior to August 2017. Children make up 52% of the total refugee population and women and girls make up 51%.

The humanitarian situation in Cox’s Bazar has been affected by the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Cox’s Bazar, only critical activities approved by the Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner are possible in the camps for the time being. UNHCR continues to provide critical services focusing on Protection, Health, WASH, nutrition, fuel support (LPG) and other non-food items, and other activities as part of its communication with the community.

This dashboard monitors the progress being made to deliver protection and assistance activities with reference to selected indicators from UNHCR Bangladesh’s 2020 country operations plan. It provides an overview for each strategic area of activity with cumulative key figures and monthly highlights.