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Bangladesh + 1 more

Rohingya Refugee Emergency: Operational Dashboard: 2019 Indicators Monitoring (30 September 2019)



Over 744,000 Rohingya refugees have fled violence from Myanmar’s Rakhine state since August 2017 and are hosted in Bangladesh. Most of the refugees rely on humanitarian assistance, having left with few possessions and exhausted their financial resources during the journey.
More than 914,000 Rohingya refugee women, men, girls and boys are hosted in Cox’s Bazar District, including 34,917 registered refugees who arrived in the 1990s (4%); and other unregistered Rohingya refugees who had settled in host communities prior to August 2017. Children make up 55% of the total refugee population and women and girls make up 52%.
One in three refugee families have at least one easily identifiable protection vulnerability. Whilst the pace of arrivals has decreased, refugees continue to arrive in Bangladesh, as of end of August 2019.
The dashboard monitor the monthly achievements of selected indicators from the 2019 country operation plan for each strategic area of activity with cumulative key figures and monthly highlights.