Measles cases are showing an increasing trend in the Rohingya camps. A total of 428 suspected measles cases were reported through weekly report form in EWARS in week 51 and 52 whereas total 219 suspected measles cases were reported in week 49 and 50.
WHO distributed Non-communicable Disease(NCD) kits and laboratory equipment to Pekua Health Complex, for strengthening NCD detection and care in the host community in Cox’s Bazar.
Two antenatal care (ANC) trainings of two days each, were completed for 35 midwives and 18 medical officers, based on the Government of Bangladesh ANC guidelines.
As per Inter-Sector Coordination Group (ISCG) report of September 2019, there are 914 998 Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar. This includes 34 172 refugees from Myanmar who registered before 31st August 2017. All refugees, including new arrivals, face compounding vulnerabilities, including in health. WHO has been responding to this crisis since September 2017. A summary of response actions from epidemiological weeks 51 and 52 of 2019 is presented below.