This Rohingya Influx Overview (RIO) details how needs of the Rohingya population in Cox’s Bazar district have evolved in key sectors and identifies new issues that have arisen. The main timeframe covered is between July and September/October.
Key findings:
• Protection concerns cut across WASH subsectors, as safety issues have impacted refugees’ access to latrines, bathing facilities, and water points. Women and girls are particularly affected by the lack of locks, lighting, and gender-segregated facilities.
• The Bangladesh and Myanmar governments’ announcement to begin voluntary repatriation of refugees to Myanmar sparked confusion and fear among refugees, as they did not receive sufficient, reliable information about the plans and the voluntary nature of the decision.
• Data on health access highlights the continued need for quality healthcare in the camps.
Reported issues are related to waiting times and the type of health service provided in health facilities.
The Basic Needs Gap Index illustrates that needs vary greatly across the camps, with some areas being more affected than others by gaps in key sectors.