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Bangladesh + 1 more

Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis Joint Response Plan Implementation Update (October - December 2021)



After months of limitations on activities due to COVID19, the humanitarian community was able to safely continue delivering life-saving assistance to Rohingya refugees and host communities, following the guidance from the Government of Bangladesh. Previously reduced humanitarian activities were scaled up with preventative public health measures in place.

During the last quarter of 2021, most Learning Centres (LCs) reopened, and Level 1-4 learners were able to return to class. The Myanmar Curriculum Pilot was finally launched in December in 24 LCs with 810 learners.

The humanitarian community supported the Government of Bangladesh with the COVID-19 vaccination campaign for Rohingya refugees over the age of 18 years, as well as the second Oral Cholera Vaccination (OCV) campaign.

Preparation of the 2022 Joint Response Plan took place throughout the reporting period, with the active involvement of and consultations with all Sectors, partners, and other humanitarian stakeholders. The final 2022 JRP document is expected to be launched in early 2022.