Health Sector Strategic Advisory Group (SAG): serves as a small decision-making body for the best interest of the wider health sector. The SAG membership for the year of 2022 increased from 11 to 13 members consisting of 7 permanent members (Government and UN agencies), 2 INGOs, 2 NNGOs and 2 observers. The new committee will continue to provide oversight and guidance to the health sector for a more efficient engagement and decision making.
Health resource and service availability monitoring: WHO is providing technical support to the Health Sector Coordination to establish Health Resource and Service Availability Monitoring Systems (HeRAMS). By February, preliminary assessment had been conducted to confirm feasibility of HeRAMS. Furthermore, the Gap Analysis for the primary healthcare services are regularly being updated for establishing facilities based on the gaps and efficient resource mobilization. The Health Sector is working in collaboration with the sector’s Information Management task force to fast track the harmonization of reporting across the sector. A draft of common and prioritized indicators has been identified, with ongoing works to define and establish a monitoring and reporting framework.
Health Service Quality Improvement: The piloting of the General Health Card was completed on the 27 Feb 2022 and received positive feedback and recommendations from the clinicians as well as the beneficiaries.
The recommendations from the piloting will be further incorporated in the final version before rolling out across the health facilities in the camp. Besides that, RRCE TWG plans to develop an IEC on general health card for the Rohingya community for better understanding and uptake of it.
Protection Mainstreaming: To further strengthen the collaboration on crosscutting issues, a workshop was organized with support from Child Protection Sub Sector and Health Sector. Following the workshops, topics were identified and prioritized for developing resource materials to ensure effective referral pathways and child-friendly health centers for equitable access by the children.