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Rapid Gender Analysis of Cyclone Remal - Gender in Humanitarian Action Working Group Bangladesh (June 2024)



Cyclone Remal made landfall near the Bangladesh-India border, severely impacting the Sundarbans in Satkhira district on 26 May 2024, affecting 4.6 million people. The GiHA Working Group initiated the Rapid Gender Analysis on 27 May, refined the FGD and KII tools, and oriented members on 28 May. Data collection occurred on 29-30 May, with analysis and drafting completed on 31 May and 1 June, focusing on the eight most affected districts: Khulna, Satkhira, Barguna, Bagerhat, Patuakhali, Barisal, Bhola, and Pirojpur. The objectives of the RGA are:

▪ To analyse and understand the differential impacts of the flood on women, men, girls, boys, people with disabilities, and people from gender diverse groups in the most affected districts.

▪ To inform the HRP/cyclone response programming based on the differential needs of women, men, girls, boys, and people with disabilities, and people from gender diverse groups.

▪ To facilitate advocacy for a more gender responsive preparedness, response, and recovery plan. The report focuses on seven key areas i) Emergency Shelter; ii) Cyclone-Induced Housing Disruptions iii) Food and Income; iv) Safety and Security of Women and Girls; v) Access to Reproductive Health Services; vi) Access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Facilities; and vii) Role of Women Led Organizations (WLO) / Women Rights Organization (WRO).