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Minimum Operating Standards Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by own Personnel (MOS‐PSEA)


To provide protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) by own personnel the compliance with a set of Minimum Operating Standards for PSEA (MOS‐PSEA) is required. The MOS‐PSEA are modelled after the well‐known Minimum Operating Security Standards for Staff Safety (or MOSS) compliance mechanism, which is mandatory for the UN System to ensure there is a common set of requirements that all agencies follow in order to ensure staff safety.

What are the MOS‐PSEA?

The MOS‐PSEA are based on:

  1. The Statement of Commitment on Eliminating Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN and Non‐UN Personnel, August 2008

  2. The Global Review of protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN, NGO, IOM and IFRC Personnel, July 2010

  3. IASC Six Core Principles Relating to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, June 2002 What are the key elements of the MOS‐PSEA?

The four pillars of the current PSEA work provide the framework for the mechanism. These are:

  1. Management and coordination: Effective policy development and implementation; Cooperative arrangements; Dedicated department / focal point committed to PSEA.

  2. Engagement with and support of local community population: Effective and comprehensive communication from HQ to the field on (a) what to do regarding raising beneficiary awareness on PSEA and (b) how to establish effective community‐based complaints mechanisms.

  3. Prevention: Effective and comprehensive mechanisms to ensure awareness‐raising on SEA amongst personnel; effective recruitment and performance management.

  4. Response: Internal complaints and investigation procedures are in place.