• The humanitarian community – NGOs and UN - are working closely with the Government of Bangladesh, including the Deputy Commissioner (DC), Civil Surgeon, Upazila Nirbahi Officers (UNOs), Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner (RRRC), and all Camp-in-Charges (CiCs) on COVID-19 preparedness and response.
• No confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been identified so far in the Rohingya refugee camps. One COVID-19 positive case was confirmed in Cox’s Bazar district on 24 March according to IEDCR sources (https://www.iedcr.gov.bd/).
• Urgent priorities continue to be identification of sites to build isolation and treatment facilities, intensified hygiene promotion activities through community messaging, community engagement and training of health care workers.
• From 25 March, only essential services were being delivered in the camps, to minimize risk within the camp setting.