Critical services continued throughout the election period, including in the areas of health and nutrition.
Education Sector completed data collection for a basic literacy and numeracy metric that will help group students in appropriate learning levels under the Learning Competency Framework and Approach (LCFA).
A significant funding shortfall for the Food Security Sector (FSS) is affecting scale-up of refugees’ dietary diversification and expansion of the livelihood program that bolsters the resilience of both refugees as well as the most vulnerable host communities who have been directly affected by the influx.
The Oral Cholera Vaccination (OCV) campaign was completed on 13 December 2018. A total of 356,202 people received vaccinations including 257,041 Rohingya refugees and 99,161 host community beneficiaries.
OCV campaigns were also conducted in no-man’s land at Nakyongchari in Bandarban district.
Initiated by CICs and supported by the Protection Working Group (PWG), a ‘Victory Cup’ football match was held between players in Camps 3 and 4 in front of approximately 4,000 spectators. The partnership between Coaches across Continents, the Asian Football Confederation and Bangladesh Football Federation aims to enhance community solidarity and constructive activities for boys and men. As part of this initiative, trained refugee coaches launch sporting activities in the community.
WASH Sector partners have surveyed 8 canals and lakes for potential improvement and increased intake in preparation for the dry season – a yearly challenge for water access in the southern camp areas.
One far-reaching, persistent challenge remains the lack of suitable land to decongest camps. Congestion heightens risks of fire, disease outbreak (including diphtheria and acute watery diarrhoea), security concerns, as well as grave protection and mental health risks.