The total number of Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar is around 869,000 individuals. The Rohingya refugee population is concentrated in extremely congested camps within Ukhyia and Teknaf Upazilas of Cox’s Bazar district, Bangladesh. The refugees living in the camps are dependent on the assistance provided by the humanitarian community and government of Bangladesh. The reliance on humanitarian assistance has been heightened since the COVID-19 outbreak in Bangladesh due to movement restrictions and containment measures that are being implemented in the camps in an attempt to control the spread of the virus. This has negatively affected the accessibility and availability of many services. The objective of the IVR sectoral surveys is to highlight the current needs and gaps in services in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and ongoing restrictive containment measures.
The NPM-IVR sectoral surveys collect information from Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar via short follow up phone interviews dedicated to five sectors: Health, WASH, Food Security, Shelter/non-food items (NFI) and Site Mangement and Site Development (SMSD). The survey respondents were identified through IOM’s Communications with Communities (CWC) Interactive Voice Response (IVR program). Rohingya refugees who over the past 2 months had recorded messages through the IVR system were called back and the relevant sector survey was administered.
This factsheet presents the findings for round 2 of NPM-IVR Needs Assessment. In total 371 Food Security, 286 Health, 1,345 Shelter-NFI, 1,056 WASH and 1,116 SMSD surveys were adminstered.