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Guide on International Justice Mechanisms for Humanitarian Actors working with the Rohingya [EN/BN]


Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) is a non-profit human rights organisation led and managed by legal professionals. LAW works with individuals and communities who have suffered grave human rights violations to obtain justice. LAW’s Rohingya Crisis programme seeks to ensure meaningful Rohingya participation in the ongoing international justice mechanisms pertaining to their treatment in Myanmar. LAW represents more than 500 Rohingya clients, who are survivors of the 2017 “clearance operations.” One of the key pillars of our programme is our Survivor Advocates network who assist and support Rohingya community members, especially survivors of sexual and gender-based violence in the camps, and also provide legal information to the Rohingya about available mechanisms to seek international justice and accountability.

This Guide provides information on the Rohingya crisis and the legal avenues available to Rohingya victims and survivors who want to bring the perpetrators in Myanmar to justice for international crimes committed against their people. The Guide also sets out an overview of the ongoing international justice mechanisms currently focusing on the crimes committed against the Rohingya mainly after 2010. It contains key messages, themes and practical tools to equip humanitarian actors to support the Rohingya and their pursuit for international justice. For ease of reading, the Guide uses a ‘Questions and Answers’ approach to provide humanitarian actors with clear information and explanations.

The Guide is a living document and will be regularly updated to reflect developments in the ongoing legal cases.