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Gap Analysis - Northeast Flash Flood Response 2022, Bangladesh, November 2022 - Needs Assessment Working Group (NAWG)



Continuous rainfall and heavy onrush of water from upstream areas caused flash floods for the third time in 7 northeastern districts of Bangladesh this year. In May 2022, NAWG produced the Key Immediate Needs and Impact Assessment for the first wave of flash floods, where it had predicted the early arrival of monsoon than usual, as reported by FFWC (Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre),
Cherrapunji, a sub-divisional town of the Northeastern Indian state of Meghalaya recorded its 3rd highest rainfall in 122 years on 16th June 2022, which in turn resulted in the devastating event of the flash flood in the northeastern region of Bangladesh. Almost 7.2 million people were affected by this flash flood event where 3.6 million are women, 3.5 million are children, 0.55 million are elderly (60+) and 0.1 million are persons with disabilities. According to the Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre (FFWC), around 94 percent of Sunamganj and over 84 percent of Sylhet were submerged by this flood.
As reported by the NAWG KIN and Situation Analysis Report, 55 people died, 481,827 people were temporarily displaced, and this event damaged 83,394 hectares of cropland. Apart from that, livestock, hospitals, educational institutions, water and sanitation facilities, roads, and infrastructure sectors, etc. were also largely devastated by the flash flood. Also the flood had comparatively higher and differential impact on the socially vulnerable and marginalized population groups, especially women, adolescent girls, children and people with disabilities (PWDs). The Humanitarian Coordination Task Team (HCTT) formulated a Flash Floods Humanitarian Response Plan 2022 focusing on the sectoral need on a priority basis by mentioning the geographical coverage of 5 districts in terms of severity with a funding request of US$ 58.4M for response to flash flood 2022. As a continuity of this, in response to the flood in the north and northeast region, a 4W matrix was generated to monitor the overall response progress in the affected area. The Humanitarian Coordination Task Team (HCTT) published a report HCTT Monitoring Dashboard reflecting the sector-wise funding received against the sector-wise funding required and the response partners in every sector. At this stage, the Needs Assessment Working Group (NAWG) with support from relevant stakeholders at the field level has conducted a GAP analysis reflecting the current situation, present needs, and priorities of the community from a sectoral point of view including various aspects of recent responses for Flash Flood affected area by the different humanitarian stakeholders including Government of Bangladesh. For this analysis, NAWG conducted extensive consultation with the affected community Focus Group Discussions (FGD) at Upazila Level and relevant stakeholders, including Government and NonGovernment organizations at the district level, to have a complete representation of community voice besides findings from secondary data.