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Follow Up Integrated Smart Nutrition Survey in Moheshkhali Upazila - Cox’s Bazar District, Bangladesh, June 2021 - Final Survey Report



Moheshkhali Upazila is located in South-eastern part of Bangladesh. It is one of the most isolated islands of Cox’s Bazar District which is highly vulnerable to flooding and other natural disasters (e.g. tidal surge, cyclones etc.). Since October 2014, AAH is technically supporting the Social Assistance and Rehabilitation for the Physically Vulnerable (SARPV) and Government Health and Family Planning teams to run treatment of moderate and severe acute malnutrition among children and PLWs as well as prevention activities in the Upazila with funding from different donors. The nutrition situation is being regularly monitored in this area by following up of program data and conducting regular SMART nutrition surveys.

A SMART survey was conducted in Moheshkhali Upazila between 23rd and 30th June 2021. The survey applied a cross- sectional study design using a two-stage cluster sampling approach based on the probability proportional to population size. This survey was a follow up to a similar one conducted in March 2020 with the baseline survey conducted during January 2015 in the Upazila. The survey was to monitor the trends and changes in the indicators over the past one year with the main objective being to assess the nutrition status of children aged 6-59 months in the Upazila. The survey also sought to determine the crude and under five mortality rates in the Upazila. To achieve this, the survey calculated a sample size of 358 children (6-59 months) and 657 households for the anthropometry survey and 2,744 persons and 566 households for the mortality survey. A total of 47 clusters/villages were determined for representativeness. In stage 1, clusters/villages were selected randomly based on probability proportionate to population size (PPS principle) using Emergency Nutrition Assessment (ENA) software updated version 11th January 2020. In stage 2, simple random sampling was used to select 14 households in each selected cluster. Table 1 summarizes the survey findings.