Report of findings of multi-sector, inter-agency assessment on humanitarian needs in the districts of Satkhira, Khulna and Jessore. Field research conducted 8th-12th September 2011.
Executive summary
Heavier than usual rains during the end of July and early August 2011 resulted in flooding in many areas of Bangladesh. In the south western districts of Shatkira, Khulna and Jessore, flood waters did not recede and potentially significant humanitarian needs in Southwest Bangladesh were identified. On 25th August, Disaster Management Bureau (DMB), Ministry of Food and Disaster Management, estimated that over 800,000 people in Satkhira district were affected. ECB partner agencies with other INGOs contributing to humanitarian response in Bangladesh determined that a joint humanitarian needs assessment of areas in the south west of Bangladesh affected by prolonged waterlogging would assist planning for relief and recovery response, supplementing initial rapid response assessments. While multiple assessment reports were generated in the early stages of the flooding and waterlogging, these reports were not sufficiently compatible in methodology to provide a consolidated overview of the situation. The objectives of the joint assessment were:
To provide a shared overview of the situation in all affected areas of the south west
To identify immediate humanitarian needs that were not addressed
To understand recovery needs of affected people