Since 6 June 2022, Cox’s Bazar has experienced over 700 mm of rainfall. Rains are expected in the weeks ahead.
52,316 refugees affected
328 refugees displaced
1 refugee fatality*
• Shelter/Non-Food Items (NFI): Since the beginning of the heavy rains this year (15 May) emergency shelter assistance has been provided following damages from monsoon rains, winds, and storms. Following technical assessment, a total of 12,744 (914 families in the week 28 July-11 August) affected families were provided with materials including bamboo, tarpaulins, rope, and jute bags to assist with shelter repair. Out of those, 990 extremely vulnerable families were provided with additional assistance of home deliveries of shelter materials and/or received labour support to repair their shelters.
4,256 refugee shelters were partially moderately damaged
3,577 refugee shelters were partially severely damaged
5,172 refugee shelters were majorly damaged
101 refugee shelters were completely destroyed
• Protection: 181 vulnerable individuals were identified in need of support and referred for further specialised services including site management, site development shelter repair in land slide prone area food distribution partner/porter support, WASH/clogged latrines, sewage system drainage. 12,504 individuals have been reached with awareness messages on protection risks including for emergency preparedness and response.
• Education: Due to rain and landslides in the period 28 July-11 August, two Learning Centres were partially damaged in camps 7 and 13. Education activities for all 116 affected learners were shifted to adjacent learning centres and homebased education support through host community teachers and Rohingya facilitators. Another 14 learning centres in camps 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, and 18 have roof damage but classes are continuing without any challenges.
• Communication with Communities (CwC): Communities continue to receive targeted messages on monsoon preparedness (on landslide, flood, lightening, drowning prevention, etc.) through Inter-Personal Communication (IPC) sessions, Talim sessions, group meetings, loudspeaker messaging, and community consultation in the camps. Common Feedback Platform and other feedback mechanisms are functional, and CwC Info Hubs are providing information on issues based on community input. Radio Club sessions by Bangladesh Betar are also including programming on monsoon preparedness.