Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) rate among children was found to be above the emergen- cy thresholds (“Very High”) of >15% in DSCC slums and remained in the second highest catego- ry (“High”) in DNCC slums.
Chronic malnutrition (stunting) among children was found to be above the Very High/ Critical WHO/UNICEF thresholds of >30% in DSCC slums and remained in the second highest category of >20% (“High”) in DNCC slums.
Boys and older children (24-59 months) were more undernourished in all forms of malnutrition (e.g. wasting, stunting and underweight) compared to girls and younger children (6-23 months).
Diarrhoea prevalence (DSCC- 20.1%, DNCC- 16.0%) among children 6-59 months was relative- ly high compared to the national average rate of 5.0% and was more prevalent among younger children.
Poor infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices varied with optimal and sub-optimal levels in both locations.
Vitamin A supplementation coverage found to be below the national average (79%), except for measles vaccination (>85.0%) and deworming coverage (>64%) were found to be above the national average.
Less intake of micronutrient powder (MNP) among children 6-59 months during previous days (<1.0%).
Crude and under-five mortality rates are well below emergency levels.
Accessing Antenatal Care (ANC) services among pregnant women were found to be relatively high (>=85%) but iron folic acid intake was reported low.
ANC and PNC checkups were optimal for at least one visit but were reported very low for at least four visits in both locations.
Low wasting prevalence was found among pregnant and lactating women.
One- fourth households reported with medium or severe food insecure who negatively adopted the situation through consumption-based coping strategies to deal with food shortages. This affects both the quantity and quality of food consumed.
Households (>95.0%) access to drinking water were optimal but there remains concern about the supply of water quality.
Poor hand washing practices with soap during critical times expect after defecation and disposing of child feaces.
Sanitation continues to be an issue in DNCC slums as contents of latrines are mixed with nearby drain or water bodies with high risk of contamination of water borne disease.
Unsafe disposal of child feaces also remains a concern in both locations which makes children susceptible to diseases transmitted via the fecal-oral route.