Bangladesh | 2021 | CERF
Bangladesh. Anticipatory action — helping people before disaster strikes — saves lives and resources. Mobilizing early also allows people to prepare with dignity and on their own terms.
On 4 July 2021, a high probability of severe flooding was forecast for mid-July along the Jamuna River in Bangladesh, with one-third of the area’s total population likely to be affected. CERF released a $5.2 million emergency grant to UN agencies in Bangladesh to help people prepare.
With CERF support, UNFPA distributed a dignity kit that included hygiene, menstrual and reproductive health supplies to over 15,000 people in Bogura, Gaibandha, Kurigram, Jamalpur, and Sirajgonj districts. Kits were tailored to meet the needs of women, girls, and Hijra, members of Bangladesh’s transgender community.
Since 2013, Bangladesh has recognized the Hijra community as a third gender. However, many continue to suffer due to misconceptions, harmful superstitions, and increased economic vulnerability — which COVID-19 has only exacerbated.
Kajli was one of the people who received a dignity kit prior to the predicted floods. “I am so happy to see these arrangements for us. After the pandemic, we were scattered about, and we don’t have any income. I don’t even have a proper place to live at the moment, and the place where I am staying could go underwater any minute.”
CERF’s anticipatory funding helped Kajli and thousands of others better prepare for the floods in July.
More information on the CERF allocation. OCHA - POOLED FUNDS DATA HUB - By Country (unocha.org)
Pooled Fund impact stories
#2021, #Bangladesh, #CERF, #Protection
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.