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Education Sector - Gender Action Plan (GAP) 2021


The Education Sector Cox’s Bazar along with their partners continues the commitment towards strengthening the resilience of targeted beneficiates both Host and Rohingya communities and trying to reach every child to support them continue study at home and ensure access to quality education. Considering the gender sensitive issues in education arise due to COVID -19 pandemic this resulted to the closure of learning facilities; and the situation is complicated with protection needs that’s needs a multi-sectoral approach. In Education Sector’s Joint Response Plan 2021, the Education Sector committed to focus on Inclusive Education, and Gender: all activities implemented under this strategy need to directly address gender discrimination and promote gender equality in order to ensure that no harm comes to children.

The aim of the Gender Action Plan:
• Is to agree on the gender focused activities and indicators to measure the activity progress y all sector partners.
• Strengthened capacities of the Education Sector partners in addressing the gender dimensions, reporting in gender sensitive way.
• Harmonized, targeted and coordinated support of GiHA in addressing the gender dimensions of in education response including COVID-19 response in Cox Bazar.

How do we ensure a Gender Responsive Education programme?
To consider how different segments of the population are affected, ensure that any response must be gender needs-based, and to ensure that human rights are respected. Education Sector will ensure gender responsiveness are address by promoting gender mainstreaming.
• Gender parity
• Data driven barrier analysis and Evidence and context-based interventions
• Sex, Age, Disability Disaggregated Data (SADDD) collection and
• Targeting the most marginalized
• Ensuring female participation and empowerment
• Monitoring and reporting mechanism

Activity Priority:
• Capacity building on gender issues/gender mainstreaming training or workshop
• Community sensitization on gender dimension, importance of girls’ education etc.
• Information sharing/mapping out exercise good practices, sharing knowledge via day observation, learning circle and story sharing.
• Education needs assessment in relation to gender dynamics and use the findings in next year planning.