BBC Media Action is producing a number of short audio PSA messages that provide useful information to the community in response to the fire in the Rohingya camps. This includes key information on reuniting families, protection issues, accessing food and assistance and addressing health needs. The short audio messages in Rohingya language can be distributed using megaphones, from tom toms and played at places where people gather. The audio messages have been developed in consultation with the CWC Working Group and key sectors. They will be updated as the information becomes available and in response to the changing needs. Given that this is an evolving situation, please check the information in the PSA’s is still relevant before using.
- [23 March 2021] Reuniting families 1 - This** 2-minute audio PSA **is for parents and families who have become separated and provides useful advice on what parents and caregivers should do to find their children. (English transcript for guidance) (BBC Media Action)
- [23 March 2021] Reuniting families 2 - This 2-minute audio PSA is for children who have become separated from their families and caregivers. (English transcript for guidance) (BBC Media Action)
- [23 March 2021] Accessing health care- This audio PSA provides information on the changes to accessing health care in the Rohingya camps as a result of the fire (English transcript for guidance) (BBC Media Action)
- [23 March 2021]** General assistance and response**– This audio PSA provides information on the changes to the general assistance and response from the authorities and humanitarian sector in the Rohingya camps as a result of the fire (English transcript for guidance.) (BBC Media Action)
- [23 March 2021]** Accessing food assistance **– This **audio PSA**provides information on the changes to accessing food assistance in the Rohingya camps as a result of the fire (English transcript for guidance.) (BBC Media Action)
The BBC Media Action content is produced in partnership with the International Rescue Committee with funding provided by the United States Government.