Programme coverage (Children 6-59 months):
• Outpatient Therapeutic Programme (OTP) coverage is estimated by SQUEAC assessment to be 69.5% (95% CI: 58.6-78.5%). However, the true coverage is likely to be higher (75-85%) based on wide area survey.
• Targeted Supplementary Feeding Programme (TSFP) coverage is estimated to be 81.2% (95%CI: 76.4-86%) by wide area survey findings.
• These coverage estimates indicate that coverage of CMAM programmes for children are above Sphere standards in rural contexts (50%) in both Ukhiya and Teknaf upazilas. This was attributed to screening campaigns conducted between October-November 2021. There was minimal differentiation of findings between Upazilas.
Primary reasons for non-attendance included:
• OTP: Children were enrolled in the TSFP but had not been referred to the OTP.
• TSFP: Caregivers and their children were waiting for referral to the TSFP.
Programme coverage (Pregnant and Lactating Women):
• TSFP coverage was estimated to be 70-100% based on wide area survey findings. This indicates that coverage of the TSFP for Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLWs) was above Sphere standards in rural contexts (50%).
• The primary reasons for non-attendance for non-covered moderately acutely malnourished (MAM) cases was due to PLWs not being aware that they were MAM.
Community screening coverage (Children and PLW):
• At least 95% of PLWs and caregivers confirmed that they or their child had been screened at home previously. More than 90% confirmed that this had taken place during the month preceding the survey.