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Common Feedback Platform (CFP): Monthly Sector Analysis Report (November 2024)


The Common Feedback Platform (CFP) is a joint inter-agency report that gives an overview of some of the community feedback that is raised within the Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh Rohingya response. Through Complaints and Feedback Mechanisms (CFMs), affected communities share challenges regarding programs, services, and the associated humanitarian response. The anonymized data from different organizations are then combined and consolidated on a monthly basis to produce these outputs. The CFP aims to contribute towards Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) and inform programming. It was developed to improve complaint management and reporting through harmonized referral standards developed directly with the Sectors and main actors responsible for responding to complaints. They are updated regularly to maintain relevancy to the current context of assistance. As per the Accountability Manifesto and CFP Referral Guidance, Site Management (SM) agencies and their partners collect and refer data to sectors and service providers at both the camp and Cox’s Bazar coordination levels. The CFP reports reflect data collected through certain CFMs and the usage of these CFMs; they are not necessarily a reflection of the overall needs or satisfaction of the Rohingya living in camps. Therefore, receiving more tickets in a site or for a sector does not consequently mean that there are more needs there; rather, it might imply that there is more CFM coverage, trust in the system, or a larger population in the location where tickets are received.

This report is produced by Needs and Population Monitoring (NPM). For more information on the CFP, please contact