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Climate-Related Human Mobility in Asia and the Pacific: Interdisciplinary Rights-Based Approaches


This publication is the culmination of the Asia Pacific Conference on the Climate Change, Human Mobility, and Human Rights Nexus, hosted by the RWI Regional Asia Pacific Office in 2022. It brings together 13 papers, based on abstracts presented during the conference. The volume is edited by Matthew Scott, in collaboration with Stellina Jolly and Nafees Ahmad from our partner institution, South Asian University, India.

The book explores how climate change is reshaping human mobility, particularly in the Asia Pacific region, emphasizing the importance of integrating these dynamics into government planning and policy-making through rights-based approaches. It calls for enhanced funding, infrastructure development, and institutional capacity to address climate-related human mobility in line with international obligations.

A distinctive feature of this book is that all contributing authors are from the Asia Pacific region, representing 10 countries across South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific, including under-researched nations such as Bhutan and Papua New Guinea. These authors are members of the Asia Pacific Academic Network on Disaster Displacement (APANDD), a network we have cultivated since 2020 to amplify the Asia Pacific perspectives on climate-related mobility.