• In FY 2022, USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA) provided more than $32.6 million to partner organizations conducting early recovery, risk reduction, and resilience (ER4) activities in 12 countries across South and Central Asia. Populations throughout South and Central Asia are vulnerable to a range of natural disasters, including cyclones, droughts, earthquakes, floods, and landslides. These hazards compound existing vulnerabilities, such as food insecurity, faced by many communities in the region.
• In Bangladesh, USAID/BHA provided more than $9.4 million in FY 2022 funding to reduce disaster risks and support multi-year food security activities designed to build resilience among vulnerable populations by supporting agriculture, livelihoods, maternal and child health, and women’s empowerment.
• Countries across South and Central Asia are increasingly experiencing climate-induced shocks such as cyclones, droughts, and floods, which exacerbate humanitarian needs among affected populations. In FY 2022, USAID/BHA continued to fund partners—including ACTED, CARE, and Catholic Relief Services (CRS)—throughout the region to implement climate-induced shock resiliency programs. These programs worked to expand existing emergency preparedness and risk reduction tools while simultaneously building sustainable and community-based livelihood resilience among households vulnerable to natural hazards.