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Bangladesh: Tropical Cyclone Mahasen Emergency appeal n° MDRBD013 - Six-month consolidated report


GLIDE n° TC-2013-000060-BGD

Period covered by this operations update: 18 May to 19 November 2013

Appeal target (current): This revised emergency appeal seeks CHF 1,730,251 in cash, kind or services to support the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society to assist 8,000 families (approximately 40,000 beneficiaries) for nine months. The operation is expected to be completed by the end of February 2014. A final report will be available by the end of May 2014.

Appeal coverage: 70% of hard and soft pledges.

Appeal history:

  • On 18 May 2013, CHF 305,688 was allocated from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ (IFRC) Disaster Relief Emergency Fund to support Bangladesh Red Crescent Society for assisting 20,000 beneficiaries for three months.

  • Subsequently, an emergency appeal was launched on 24 May 2013 for CHF 2,789,432 to assist 9,000 families (approximately 45,000 beneficiaries) over a nine-month period. The appeal was revised based on the findings of the Phase 3 Joint Needs Assessment (available on 17 July 2013). The revised budget of CHF 1,730,251 will support 8,000 families over the original appeal timeframe.