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Bangladesh: Torrential Monsoon Flood Version 1 (Final) with sector inputs | 21st August 2017


A field verification was conducted between August 16 and August 17, covering 47 upazilas in 10 districts as shown in the map. Respondents evaluated the overall impact and observed damages across different sectors. The results are presented in this version.

1– Severe impact
• Most (>75%) houses have been severely damaged
• All crops (food and cash crops) have been lost.
• Most of the households face difficulties to take care of their children
• Electrical power distribution and communication services are completely disrupted.
• >75% of the area flooded; >10 days floods duration

2 – High impact
• Majority of traditional houses were inundated. There was considerable damage to structures of light to medium construction.
• Majority of the households face difficulties to take care of their children
• Many fields have went under water and standing crops there are damaged.

3 – Moderate impact
• Many houses are inundated and some people faced difficulties to stay in their houses.
• Many of the households face difficulties to take care of their children
• Some parts of the crop filed inundated and standing crops are partially damaged.

4 – No or limited impact
• Some houses are inundated
• Some of the households face difficulties to take care of their children.
• Some fields went under water.
• Crops only slightly or not impacted.
• Disruption of communication services