1. Introduction
Cox’s Bazar District experiences two cyclone seasons per year in April-May and October-November, monsoon season from June to September and Nor’wester wind in April and May. During this time strong winds and severe rain can be expected. Shelters in the camps are in high risk of damage caused by weather-related events such as flooding, landslides/soil erosion, wind and heavy-rains. The Shelter/NFI Sector partners are committed to: a) Enhancing preparedness by improving shelter conditions to the most possible extent within the context limitations; and b) Providing emergency response in case shelters are damaged.
2. Preparedness and Emergency Response Activities
The underlying guiding principle of shelter preparedness is to make shelters as sturdy and resilient as possible within the available resources. This can be achieved by incorporating Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) approaches in shelter programming and through provision of additional materials, improved techniques, messaging and technical assistance. This however will only contribute reducing the impact rather than eradicating it. For instance, both tie-down materials and strengthening of community structures will not render those structures safe in case of stronger winds and/or cyclone.