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Bangladesh + 1 more

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society - Population Movement Operation (PMO), Cox's Bazar, Operational Update No. 104 - November 2024


The population movement crisis continues to be volatile with 1,006,6701 displaced people from Myanmar since 2017 and new arrivals of approximately 60,000 people since August 2024 living in the congested camp settlement and the affected host community people including 36,3761 displaced people are relocated to Bhasanchar as of November 2024. This comprises 51% female and 49% male, while out of the total population, 52% are children, 44% adults and 4% older person. Moreover, 6.23% of people are extremely vulnerable individuals (EVIs), including 3.03% of people with disabilities (PWDs). In Cox’s Bazar host communities 445,9722 people have been impacted due to this influx. The demographic composition—largely women, children, and vulnerable individuals—alongside the protracted nature of the crisis, underscores the strain on resources while frequent multi-hazards, (i.e., cyclones, heavy rainfall, floods, landslides, fire) compounded their living conditions.