866,000 Revised estimate of Total Rohingya population in Cox’s Bazar - 15 Dec
653,000 Estimated number of New Arrivals since 25 August 2017
71,000 Estimated number of New Arrivals between R6 15 Oct – R7 15 Dec
In late August 2017, a mass influx of Rohingya refugees occurred from the Rakhine State of Myanmar into Cox’s Ba-zar in Bangladesh. Refugees are living in Ukhia and Teknaf upazilas in Cox’s Bazar, a district bordering Myanmar where the main border crossing points are located. From 11 November to 7 December, 1,635 locations in collective sites and host communities were assessed by NPM enumerators. These 1,635 locations are located within two formal refugee camps, three makeshift settlements es-tablished before the August 2017 influx, thirty-three new spontaneous settlements both around and separate from the refugee camps and makeshift settlements, and 65 locations where Rohingya were identified living in host com-munities.
In total, an estimated 866,000 individuals (in 194,603 households) are living in these 1,635 locations. 73% are living in new spontaneous settlements, 13% in makeshift settlements (a term used to describe spontaneous settlements established pre-October 2017), 9% are living in host community locations and 5% in the formal refugee camps. Of the total population, 36,583 are registered refugees (UNHCR, December 20171), who live in the two formal camps (Kutupalong and Nayapara refugee camps). The remaining 829,421 are unregistered refugees who live in all loca-tions including the formal refugee camps.