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Bangladesh: Localisation Technical Working Group (LTWG) Terms of Reference [EN/BN]



In May 2016, the humanitarian community endorsed the Grand Bargain commitments that resulted from the World Humanitarian Summit during May 2016. The Humanitarian community commits to agree on promoting localisation practice in humanitarian response in line with Grand Bargain commitments. Some progresses have already been made on localisation in the recent years. There have been several initiatives that sought to spotlight progress on localisation, including Bangladesh being selected as the first ‘demonstrator country’ for the Grand Bargain Localisation Workstream Field Mission during September 2018. Various partnership and program initiatives as well as research, have focused on progressing commitments such as the Grand Bargain and Charter for Change.

It is imperative to take concrete steps to translating the global commitments into action in operational settings. Structured approaches are needed to allow humanitarian stakeholders to work together in a mutually benefiting way in support of the localisation agenda for more effective humanitarian responses to this end. Such space and the engagement of civil society organisations are essential for local actors to understand the situation and needs as well as contribute to reducing risks and disaster impacts as well as supporting humanitarian interventions. Ultimately, the quality, accountability and coherence of a humanitarian response will be strengthened.


The overall objective of the Working Group is to promote localisation practice in humanitarian response during any climate related disaster to strengthen informed decision-making and improve responses of the humanitarian community in support of the Government-led interventions.

In line with the Grand Bargain, the Working Group will work closely with the civil society organisations by proactively reaching out to representatives of the local actors, and identifying a local lead for the Working Group. Technical support will be provided by technical lead/s.