Highlights: COVID-19
As of week 34, (23-29 Aug 2021) 58,861 cumulative samples have been tested and 2883 total confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported. The average test positivity rate now stand at 4.9%.
This week (week 34), 105 new confirmed cases detected out of 1,490 samples tested and weekly test positivity rate was 7.0%.
As of this week (week 34)
• Median age of tested and confirmed cases is 11 (0-120) and 21 (0-100) years
• Female among tested and confirmed cases is 54% and 52%
• All 34/34 camps have confirmed cases (C3-179, C24-174, C2W-160, C15-154 and C17-152)
• A total of 30 deaths from COVID-19 with the case fatality rate 1.0%
• Cases per million in last 7 days 122.1, change in last 7 days 4%