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Bangladesh: Eastern Flash Floods 2024 Situation Report No. 02 (As of 30 August 2024)


This report is produced by the Inter-cluster Coordination Group (ICCG) in collaboration with cluster coordinators, humanitarian partners, and members of the Humanitarian Task Team (HCTT). It covers the period from 25 to 29 August 2024.


  • Recent flash floods in Bangladesh, triggered by heavy rainfall and upstream water flows from India, have had a devastating impact on communitiesacross 11 districts inthe eastern regionsof the country.

  • According to the National Disaster Response Coordination Center (NDRCC), some 5.8million people in the northeastern and southeastern regions have been affectedand more than 1 million peopleare in communities cut offby the flooding. A reported 502,501 people are displaced in 3,403 evacuation shelters.

  • The most affected districts are Noakhali, Cumilla, Laxipur, Feni, Chattogram, and Moulvibazar. Rural roads, agricultural fields, and fishponds have been submerged, cutting off essential access and severely impacting livelihoods.A total of 296,852hectares of crops have been affected by the flood. Loss of fisheries is USD 122 million and livestock loss is USD34million initially.

  • Over 7,000 schools are closed due to flooding, affecting 1,750,000 primary students across the affected districts.Displacement and overcrowded temporary shelters have heightened protection concerns, including for women and girls.The flooding of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities across affected areas is of concern in terms of health and water-borne diseases.

  • Access challenges have been exacerbated by the submersion of rural roads and electricityoutages.In Noakhali, over 50% of the affected areas remain unreachablebylocal authorities andfrontline responders. The affected communities have minimal access to markets, necessitating most agencies to provide in-kind support.

  • The UN and humanitarian partners are mobilizing targeted multi-sectoral emergency activities to support the Government-led flood response and to complement local/CSO efforts in assisting the most vulnerable flood-affected people and communities.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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