Food Security
To date, 19 organizations have started their response, mainly INGOs (13 INGOs: Islamic Relief, Muslim Aid, Christian Aid, Concern World Wide, ACF, Save the Children International, CRS, BRAC, Oxfam, DanChurchAid, Solidarites International and ADRA), five (5) local NGOs (Coast Trust, Mukti, YPSA, RIC and Shushilan), the Red Cross-Red Crescent (IFRC/BDRC) and one (1) UN agency (WFP);
The estimated amount delivered (or in process) is 1,000,033 USD (29% of the amount requested);
164,610 people or 32,922 households are in process to receive or have already received assistance from the above mentioned organizations;
About 45% of the households targeted received food assistance in kind; -
Laxmipur district is the less covered district (28% of the HRP target), then Barguna with 70% coverage (vs. HRP target);
DFID (START network), DFAT Canadian, Irish Aid, own funding are the current source of funding for the response;
Government allocated 5,682 MT of rice to 15 affected districts as well 18.14 million BDT to the affected population.
Gaps & Constraints: Organizations are not following the standard FSC packages as revised with the FSC members. Packages vary from 500 BDT to 4000 BDT; Some organizations are responding in Upazilas not included in the Humanitarian Response Plan; Population targeted by the GoB is not known. Only figures at the district level are available; Overlap and gaps in some areas; District coordination not yet established; Some areas are not easily accessible. Some areas are still under water as embankments are damaged.