1. Situation Overview:
A strong depression has been formed in the Bay of Bengal which is named as Cyclone Bulbul. According to Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD), it is currently located about 695km southwest of Chattogram port, 645km southwest of Cox’s Bazar port, 585km southwest of Mongla port and 575km southwest of Payraport (source: BMD special weather bulletin no 17 of 8 November 2019). It is expected to intensify more and move towards north-northwestern Bangladesh. BMD also advised all these maritime ports to hoist local warning signal number four.
2. Red Cross Red Crescent Action:
Bangladesh Red Crescent Society’s (BDRCS) Action:
BDRCS has undertaken the following initiatives as part of response to the cyclone Bulbul:
A coordination meeting consisting emergency response and Forecast based financing responsible staffs from BDRCS, IFRC and Movement partners was organized on November 8, 2019.
All units are updated about cyclone condition and they are advised to update National Headquarters about any change in weather, locally taken decision and actions
BDRCS activated its national response control room.
The National Disaster Response Team (NDRT) members, Unit Disaster Response Team (UDRT) members and trained RCY volunteers are kept alert.
BDRCS has updated its disaster preparedness stock at Chattogram warehouse and kept the responsible official alert if any emergency dispatch of relief item needed.
An emergency medical team is ready to go to support during emergency.
Mr. Md Rafiqul Islam, Deputy Secretary General, BDRCS attended CPP Implementation Board Meeting at MoDMR.