Summary of operation update:
This six-month update reflects the progress of the operation for the period from 21 May to 30 November 2020. The planned response actions imply the current situation and information available at this time of the operation.
The operation, as per this reporting period has reached a total of 25,000 people in shelters; 36,365 people in livelihoods and basic needs, 15,000 people with the cash grant and vegetable seeds support, 2,000 people reached through emergency latrine support, more than 2,200 people reached through emergency health consultancy and medicine support through BDRCS Mother and Child Health (MCH) care centre, 13,000 people (adolescent girls and women) reached through hygiene parcel support, 5,000 people (adolescent girls and women) reached through dignity kits supports, more than 10,000 masks distributed among the front line staff and volunteers and targeted beneficiaries considering COVID-19 pandemic impact, 50,000 people in health and provided communication support by BDRCS and CPP volunteers for early warning message dissemination and timely evacuation support during cyclone Amphan. In total, 2.4 million people evacuated with the help of CPP volunteers, BDRCS volunteers, Fire Service and Civil Defence (FSCD), Police, Armed Forces, and other organizations.
After completion, the emergency activities and based on the remaining fund of the IFRC emergency appeal (EA),
BDRCS is planning to deliver the recovery support in one of the most affected area by TC Amphan in Dacope upazila (sub-district) under Khulna district. In this regard, BDRCS has initiated the file for starting the preliminary activities like human resource (HR) recruitment, office set-up in the upazila level/near by the targeted community, beneficiary household’s assessment for finalize the list, etc.
Due to low funding coverage, BDRCS is targeting only 250 households for delivering the recovery assistance in shelter, livelihood, WASH and DRR sectors. The IFRC kindly encourages increased donor support to this EA that will enable the National Society to meet the humanitarian needs of the affected people.