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Bangladesh + 1 more

Bangladesh: Cyclone Amphan - Emergency Plan of Action (MDRBD024) DREF Operation update n° 1



Summary of operation update:
This operation update will be informed about the progress of the operation for the period from 21 May to 30 June 2020. The planned response actions reflect the current situation and information available at this time of the operation.
The operation, as per reporting period has reached a total of 6,000 people in shelters; 36,365 people in livelihoods and basic needs and in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) activities; 50,000 people in health and provided communication support for BDRCS and CPP volunteers for early warning message dissemination and timely evacuation support during cyclone Amphan. In total, 2.4 million people evacuated with the help of CPP volunteers, BDRCS volunteers, Fire Service and Civil Defence (FSCD), Police, Armed Forces and other organizations.
Due to low funding coverage, both BDRCS is implementing only the most priority activities based on needs in the affected communities and available funding. The IFRC kindly encourages increased donor support to this EA that will enable the National Society to meet the humanitarian needs of the affected people.

Description of the disaster

On 16 May 2020 over the Indian Ocean Cyclone Amphan was formed and started moving north over the Bay of Bengal, towards north-east India coastal areas and south of Bangladesh. On 20 May, the BMD issued ‘great danger’ signal number 10 for costal districts of Satkhira, Khulna, Bagerhat, Jhalokathi, Pirojpur, Barguna, Patuakhali, Bhola, Barisal, Laxmipur, Chandpur and their offshore islands and chars1 . Following the great danger signal and evacuation order of the GoB, more than 2.4 million people were moved to 14,636 permanent and temporary shelters in 19 coastal districts before the cyclone hit the country's coast. The cyclone Amphan slammed into the coastal districts of West Bengal, India and then it entered Bangladesh on 20 May evening with wind speed of 150 kmph and caused huge destruction in 26 districts across the country.

According to Need Assessment Working Group (NAWG2) report dated 31 May; approximately 2.6 million people were affected; 205,368 houses were damaged; 55,767 houses were destroyed in the 19 affected districts. Total 26 people lost their lives. In addition to that 40,894 latrines; 18,235 water points; 32,037 hectares of crops and vegetable; 18,707 hector of fish cultivation area; 440 km of road and 76 km of embankment were damaged.