Following monsoon season in 2019 discussions with the emergency shelter focal points revealed that majority of the focal points considered the workload of acting as focal point while also carrying out duties assigned by their organization to be too large. However, they also considered the function as a focal point as absolutely necessary for emergency response as well as for the day-to-day shelter operations in the camp. While the position of the focal point does not require full time person for a specific camp it is a full time position when the same focal point is overseeing several camps. One of the solutions proposed during the discussions was the restructuring of the camp and area focal point system to the catchment area focal point system. This is especially sensible as the catchment areas are also linked to prepositioning and distribution of stock in case of cyclone. Linking day to day shelter coordination, emergency response during monsoon season and cyclone response is aiming at ensuring comprehensive knowledge of the specific catchment areas (shelter condition, population, hazards, shelter partners, SMS, CiC, location of emergency stock…) and continuity of the shelter programming and emergency response.
Catchment focal point system (CaFP) is a pilot and as such not implemented in all of the catchment areas. In the catchment areas where this system is piloted the agency selected as catchment area FP is the main shelter partner in the area as well as has the agreement with the AoR agency to access the emergency shelter stock in case of cyclone response.
To minimize duplications and gaps, strengthen oversight, information sharing, follow up planning and responses at camp level in normal time and emergency period through strengthening coordination.
CaFPs should provide the bridge between the operational realities in the camps and the area level coordination by ensuring a regular flow of information between Shelter/NFI Sector Partners and Shelter/NFI Sector team.
The CaFPs should also closely coordinate and engage with CiCs office dedicated staff and Site Management Support agencies (SMS) as frequently as necessary, likely on a daily basis and ensure coordination between all the Sector partners in the Camp.
The goal is two-way information sharing and reporting between the Catchment level and CXB level to achieve quality services and an adequate coverage, based on agreed and harmonized standards. The CaFPs will also allow a common understanding of key emerging issues in real time to enable timely interventions.