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Bangladesh: ACAPS & NPM Analysis Hub: Situation Overview and Gaps in Basic Needs - Traffic light sheet: Camp level view, Site Assessment Round 12


The traffic lights diagram above is based on the result of multisectoral priortrisation tool developed by the Analysis Hub. The tool uses NPM site assessment Round 12 data from five sectors to priortise needs geographically, at the majhee block level. The 32 indicators are selected from five sectors to build a composite index, and combined to present the Basic Needs Gap index at the majhee block level. Each indicator is evaluated for its inclusion in the priortrisation tool and selected according to the amount of variation that each indicator revealed.The Bette Verma method is used to calculate the weight of each indicator and a multiple deprivation tool is used to calculate the index in STATA. Additional explanation can be found in the Rohingya Influx Overview.

Camps and sites are tool large and diverse to be effective planning units. The analysis for the Basic Needs Gap was done at the majhee block level because the majority of differences and variations in needs are between majhee blocks. Camp level analysis can hide pockets of high need. To illustrate this, each gap in the attached diagram is presented at both camp and majhee block level.

A total of 112 majhee block are in the highest Basic Needs Gap category. By sector, this means that:
Shelter & NFIs: 212,480 people are living in 464 majhee blocks where they live under tarpaulin sheets with dirt/mud flooring, sites are accessible by foot only, and concerned over the stability of their shelter structure are high.

Food: 89,732 people are living in 211 majhee blocks where they eat fewer than two meals a day, use negative coping mechanism for food, have no income source and rely on humanitarian assistance and have limited access to markets.

Health: 59,153 people are living in 136 majhee blocks where health services are far way, the types of health services they need are unavailable, there is no access to health service at night and services are expensive.

Water: 119,423 people are living in 278 majhee blocks where they lack access to sufficient safe water, insufficient water storage containers, waiting times at water points are long and their shelters are far from the nearest water source.

Sanitation: 92,204 people are living in 220 majhee blocks where they have limited access to latrines or faced difficulties in using latrines and other sanitation facilities.