Strategic Objective 1
Work towards the sustainable repatriation of Rohingya refugees/FDMNs to Myanmar.Support Rohingya refugees/FDMNs to build skills and capacities commensurate with livelihood opportunities available in Rakhine State, with a view to facilitating their early voluntary and sustainable repatriation and reintegration in Myanmar society.
Strategic Objective 2
Strengthen the protection of Rohingya refugee/FDMN women, men, girls, and boys. In close cooperation with the Government of Bangladesh and affected populations, protect individuals and communities, and contribute to an enabling environment respectful of basic rights and well-being of Rohingya refugees/FDMNs.
Strategic Objective 3
Deliver life-saving assistance to populations in need. Maintain and rationalize services and assistance to ensure equal access for affected populations in need of humanitarian assistance. In close cooperation with the Government of Bangladesh and affected populations, enhance preparedness and contingency plans for disaster responses at the Upazila level.
Strategic Objective 4
Foster the well-being of host communities in Ukhiya and Teknaf Upazilas. In close cooperation with the Government of Bangladesh and affected populations, and in the spirit of mitigating the effects of hosting a large number of Rohingya on the host communities in Ukhiya and Teknaf, facilitate equitable access to quality services for communities; mitigate potential tensions between the Rohingya and the host communities; strengthen public service infrastructure and delivery through system and capacity strengthening; support sustainable livelihoods for host communities; and rehabilitate the environment and ecosystem.
Strategic Objective 5
Strengthen disaster risk management and combat the effects of climate change. In coordination with the Government of Bangladesh, mitigate the adverse impacts on the environment exacerbated by the Rohingya exodus and their prolonged stay in Bangladesh. This will include efforts to restore ecosystems, promote reforestation, develop waste management plans, and may also require efforts to strengthen disaster coordination mechanisms, promote the use of renewable and cleaner energy sources, and train Rohingya refugees/FDMNs and Bangladeshi first responders to respond to the effects of climate change and disaster risks.