On September 1, Hurricane Dorian made first landfall on Elbow Cay, in the Abacos of the northwestern Bahamas. Dorian is the strongest hurricane on record to hit the Bahamas.
Find out how InterAction Members are responding to Dorian and providing help to the people of the Bahamas.
Food for the Hungry
Christian humanitarian organization Food for the Hungry (FH) is raising funds to assist partners, to provide food, water, and hygiene items. Additionally, FH is monitoring the progress of the storm in the southeastern US, with the intent to respond if needed. Find out more HERE.
Mercy Corps
Mercy Corps is mobilizing a team of emergency responders — which includes members from their Puerto Rico team — to the Bahamas following Hurricane Dorian’s landfall. Mercy Corps’ response team is beginning to arrive in Nassau, and are rushing to reach the affected islands of Abacos and Grand Bahama. The team is meeting with emergency managers and other responding organizations to coordinate their response efforts and will rapidly determine the most pressing needs. To learn more or to make a donation to their Humanitarian Response Fund click HERE.
Episcopal Relief & Development
Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting Episcopal dioceses located in the path of Hurricane Dorian as they respond to the needs of impacted communities. The U.S. Disaster Team is conducting regular coordination calls with affected dioceses. In the Caribbean, program colleagues are working through the Anglican Alliance to support the Anglican Diocese of the Bahamas & the Turks and Caicos as diocesan staff begin to assess the destruction from the storm. To learn more about Episcopal Relief & Development’s response to Hurricane Dorian and how you can help, click HERE.
As part of its mission to mobilize the aviation community in times of disaster, Airlink began transporting relief workers to Florida and other East Coast states before the storm’s arrival to ensure a swift response to communities in need. Airlink is assisting more than 15 response partners, including Save the Children, Empact Northwest, Heart to Heart International, and World Central Kitchen. Cash donations from Airlink supporters and travel assistance from Air Canada, JetBlue Airways, and United Airlines are making the response possible. Learn more HERE.
Lutheran World Relief
In partnership with ACT Alliance and other partners, Lutheran World Relief is coordinating a response to Dorian. Learn more HERE.
International Medical Corps
International Medical Corps is deploying an emergency response team of six people to the Bahamas, consisting of a team leader/medical coordinator, mental health and psychosocial support services (MHPSS) specialists, and logisticians. They will coordinate with government agencies, local organizations, and other responders to determine how International Medical Corps can quickly support the Government of Bahamas in its efforts to carry out lifesaving health and medical interventions in response to Hurricane Dorian.
Under the direction of the government, and in coordination with other local and international humanitarian organizations, the team will identify emergency health and medical needs and gaps, and develop infrastructure to support any emergency medical teams that we will send to the most affected and vulnerable communities upon the request of the Government of Bahamas.
International Medical Corps is ready to scale our support and further deploy mobile medical teams and our emergency response field hospital to address any needs that continue to be uncovered following the impact of Hurricane Dorian.
Here’s more about our response:
Link to Hurricane Dorian dedicated donation page:
Project HOPE
Project HOPE’s emergency response team has deployed to the Bahamas. Our first team already on the ground includes a physician, nurse practitioner and logistician, in addition to our director of emergency response. More than 30 Project HOPE doctors, nurses and pharmacists are ready to mobilize as soon as is feasible. With partners, we are organizing shipments of hygiene kits and other essential supplies for immediate delivery to Abaco and other affected areas. Learn more at projecthope.org and make a donation to our Hurricane Dorian Response Fund.
Medical Teams International
Medical Teams International is currently rushing Disaster Health Kits to survivors of Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas. Learn more about their response and consider donating money toward essential hygiene and water filtration supplies to people whose homes have been damaged or destroyed by the deadly storm HERE.
Catholic Relief Services
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is working with our regional partners, Caritas Grenada and Caritas Puerto Rico, to coordinate distributions of relief supplies sent the Bahamas by plane. A humanitarian response team is arriving this week, and CRS will be focusing our response where needs are greatest. To support relief efforts, you can make a contribution HERE.
World Renew
World Renew will support those dealing with catastrophic damage to their homes and the environment in the Bahamas. Learn more about our response effort here. Show God’s love and bring hope to disaster-affected communities.
Helping Hand for Relief and Development
Helping Hand for Relief and Development’s Emergency Response Team is en route to the Bahamas to conduct a needs assessment on the ground and work with local partners to provide much-needed aid.
Details of HHRD’s response to Hurricane Dorian Bahamas Relief and dedicated donation page may be found HERE.