• Over two months since Hurricane Dorian made landfall in the Bahamas, WFP continues to support the government-led response with 11 staff in Nassau, New Providence (6) and Marsh Harbour, Abaco Islands (5). The two teams provide technical expertise in food security and logistics coordination which includes facilitating sea and land transportation.
• WFP has supported NEMA and other government entities in storing, handling and shipping 360 MT of food and relief items from Nassau to the affected islands.
In Numbers
67 confirmed deaths
762 people are assisted in 5 government shelters in Nassau
2,611 evacuees in Nassau received single USD 100 food vouchers by the Department of Social Services
6,600 people are included in the plan for food assistance in Abaco in November
Situation Update
• The largest supermarket in the Abacos has resumed operations on a restricted schedule, resulting in improved access to food. Sources of livelihoods and incomes remain a concern.
• Food assistance continues to be provided throughout the affected areas. Multipurpose cash assistance is also being provided in areas with greater market functionality and is expected to continue to scale up as capacities are put in place and market functionality resumes.
• WFP is working with the Government and partners on potential market-based assistance programmes to allow affected households to transition from hot meals.
• Access to water and electricity is gradually improving.
Humanitarian organizations are assisting the Government by supplying water tankers and generators where needed.
• The Government will set up 250 dome structures, each of which will provide housing to up to 5 people who have been displaced by the storm.
• WFP continues to provide technical expertise to NEMA and local authorities to address food security needs, to adapt to population movements across the Bahamas as well as logistics services to ensure that relief assistance reaches those most in need.