This report covers the period of 01/01/2006 to 31/12/2007 of a two-year planning and appeal process.
In brief
Goal: National Societies in the Caribbean region are implementing efficient, responsive and focused programmes that contribute to improving the lives of vulnerable people. These programmes are aligned with the International Federation's Global Agenda, which sets out four broad goals to meet the Federation's mission to "improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity".
Programme Summary: The fragility of the region to natural disasters has been in evidence during these past two years, with responses to disasters requiring international assistance for floods in Suriname, Guyana and Jamaica and the 2007 hurricane season affecting the territories of Dominica, St Lucia, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, Martinique, Belize, Bahamas, Dominican Republic and Haiti.
This has reinforced the intense need for effective Disaster Risk Reduction programme and predominantly with funding from ECHO, intensive efforts have been made to focus on community risk reduction in the region, with efforts made to increase the profile of the Red Cross in the region to alert other partners of the need for enhanced community resilience and the production of effective standardised tools the Red Cross Societies can use in this regard.
The Regional Health programme has continued to respond to the compounded traumatic effects that the HIV AIDS pandemic is having in this region, with programmes focussing on prevention and anti stigma, with the end of 2007 seeing the Caribbean embark on an intensive process of a HIVAIDS Global Alliance, with four National Societies. The regional health programme has also expanded to tackle other imminent health concerns in the region, such as the promotion of the voluntary blood non remunerated blood, with the promotion of a "Club 25" programme aimed at young people, which is vital for the response to chronic health emergencies in the region. In order to tackle the numerous challenges faced in the region continued consideration has been given to how the Red Cross is best organised to respond, including capacity building support of NS, new inter Americas Plan and the restructuring of the Federation Secretariat.
Far greater attention has been devoted to the capacity building of NS, with an appointment in the Federation office of a staff member devoted to looking at promotion of organisational development tools as well as the capacity building elements of the programmes, to help support the many and varied needs of the NS in the region. This work has been enhanced by a successful bid to the Federation's Capacity Building Fund which will support the NS focus on volunteering and youth in the region.
The Inter American Conference in 2007, resulting in a new Plan of Action, 2007-2011, helps set the collective strategic direction for the Red Cross in the Americas over the next four years.
The Federation has undergone substantial reorganisation I order to better meet the needs of the region, with the Federation of the Future process seeing the creation of an Americas Zone in Panama as part of the decentralisation process. This has meant the change of the Caribbean Sub Regional Office, to a Caribbean Regional Representation Office with direct reporting to the Zone. Linked to this was the creation of a Federation Representative to support Dominican republic, Haiti and Cuba, working to create closer connections with these countries and the rest of the region.
Overall the 2006 -2007 Appeal received 52 percent coverage, however the majority of the funding was for Disaster management and Heath programmes, whereas far greater support is needed in relation to capacity building, humanitarian principles and values and coordination actives to ensure the Federation can successfully fulfil its mandate to support to the NS and delivering the membership services.
Needs: 2006 and 2007 Appeal target: CHF 5,720,181 (USD 5,116,441 or EUR 3,466,776); (of which 52% is covered);
Related Reports:
- Report 2006
- Report 2007
- Hurricane Dean
- Hurricane Noel
- PADRU Report 2006/ 2007
- Central America Report 2006/ 2007
No. of people we help:
The Regional Representation for the Caribbean focused on building the capacities of the National Societies in the region. Therefore the direct beneficiary of the representations programmes are the National Societies - their staff at headquarters and branch level, governance bodies and volunteers. In addition, various projects and programmes carried out by the National Societies with support of this Representation, have reached the following number of population beneficiaries:
Programme | Number of People Assisted |
Health | By the end of 2006 a total of 75,676 young persons had been reached by "Together we Can" HIV AIDS peer education programme since its inception in Jamaica in 1993. An additional 43,548 peers were reached by ten National Societies during 2007. |
Disaster Response (through PADRU)
Suriname Floods Guyana Floods Jamaica Floods Hurricane Dean Response Hurricane Noel Response | - 4,000 families / 20,000 people
- 80 families / 400 people - 200 families / 1000 people - More than 6,537 families assisted in the relief response in Jamaica, Dominica, St Lucia & Haiti - 168 trained "Community Disaster Response Team volunteers, from - 14 teams, were actively involved in Jamaica Red Cross response to hurricane Dean and continue to be engaged in the recovery phase of the operation including livelihoods support - 10,225 families/50,700 persons |
Disaster Risk Reduction | DIPECHO V programme focussing on community risk reduction reached 58,231 beneficiaries |
HPV | More than 75,900 visitors to the Caribbean's regional website |
Our partners: Relationships have been strengthened over these two years with key Red Cross partners working in the region, such as the French, Americans and Finnish Red Cross. Key relationships continue with the PNS with the British and Netherlands Red Cross in relation to their overseas branches in the region. A strong emphasis towards the end of 2007 has been the building of partnership with key external partners, through active participation in the East Caribbean Donor Group, (a group consisting of representatives of key intergovernmental agencies and NGOs in the region) and continuing to explore options for closer collaboration with some key partners including the Caribbean Disaster & Emergency Response Agency, (CDERA), OXFAM and UNDP. The relationship with CRN+ has also been strengthened with Federation taking a lead role in supporting the peer education among their networks of PLWHA and providing support for participation at the Annual CRN+ meeting.
For further information on this Appeal, contact:
In Trinidad and Tobago: Regional Representativefor the Regional Representation for the Caribbean;; phone: (1 868) 627 2665; Fax: (1 868) 627 9627
In Panama: José García Lozano, Head of Americas Zone; email:; phone: (507) 380 0250; Fax: (507) 317 1304
In Panama: María Alcázar, Resource Mobilisation Coordinator, Americas Zone; email:; phone: (507) 380 0250; Fax: (507) 317 1304
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