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Azerbaijan: MAAAZ002 - Annual Report 2010


This report covers the period 01/01/2010-31/12/2010

In brief

Programme outcome: All programmes and activities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society (AzRC) are aligned and contribute to Strategy 2020 aiming to improve the lives and to alleviate the suffering of the most vulnerable people. Programme summary: The International Federation continues to support the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society in its efforts to provide efficient and good quality services to the most vulnerable groups within the following programmes: • Disaster management was mainly focused on providing support to people affected during various emergencies like flooding, landslides. • Health and care through harm reduction and social care with special focus on health promotion activities, spreading knowledge on HIV and AIDS and recruitment of blood donors. • Organizational development focusing on financial management and resource mobilization, communication and public relations, and youth and volunteer development. • Fundamental principles and humanitarian values were integrated with other programme areas to address the specific cross-cutting issues. After consultation between the National Society, the International Federation and the main National Society donor – the Norwegian Red Cross it was agreed to focus on the support of three (HIV and AIDS, branch development and youth and volunteer development) traditionally carried out programmes/projects instead of six. A number of the activities in other programmes were cancelled or implemented on a smaller scale due to the limited resources of the National Society. The International Federation continues to support the National Society in looking for new sources of funding to invest into priority areas and achieve planned results. Financial situation: The total 2010 budget was CHF 670,056. Opening balance was CHF 149,777; the income was CHF 361,144, thus total funding CHF 510,921 (76 per cent). Total expenditure was CHF 400,253, which makes for 78 per cent of the existing funds. Additionally the National Society received CHF 171,321 (USD 150,953 or EUR 122,201) from the International Federation’s Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF). TAG International Development 1 allocated CHF 8,754 (EUR 6 738, USD 9,500). Danish Red Cross bilaterally allocated CHF 27,283 (EUR 21,000, USD 29,600). Bilaterally German Red Cross allocated funds in the amount of CHF 61,237 (EUR 47,126 USD 66,438). Japanese Embassy allocation CHF 58,599 (EUR 45,096, USD 63,576).

No. of people we have reached: The National Society reached 260,542 people in 2010 via the activities supported through the annual plan. Additionally, 2,195 people were reached by the Flood response operation funded through DREF allocation. In 2011 it is planned to cover 60,120 people.

Our partners: The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society had at least five partnerships within the Movement. Outside the Movement the National Society cooperated with numerous actors including state bodies at different levels, the United Nations (UN), and various national and international organizations and agencies.