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WFP Armenia Country Brief, December 2024


In Numbers

1,320 people assisted in December 2024

USD 11.8 m six months (January – June 2025) net funding requirements

Operational Updates

• To enhance resilience and improve food security in vulnerable communities, WFP supports the establishment of community-based revolving funds and creates livelihood opportunities. In December, two new revolving funds have been introduced in Syunik province:

o In Nerkin Hand, WFP has procured a 20 kWt solar station, which will be installed on a communityowned site spanning 200 sqm. This solar station will function as an agrivoltaic system and provide hail protection for a berry garden that the community will establish underneath. To further enhance livelihoods, ten vulnerable households (50 individuals with family members) have received 100 sqm modular greenhouses from the Fonds Arménien de France (FAF), with WFP supporting their installation, provision of drip irrigation systems, and capacity building for participants.

o To empower the Karashen settlement in reducing electricity costs and reinvesting revolving funds for community development and climate-smart initiatives, WFP procured a 30 kWt solar station for installation in a community-owned building. Additionally, 15 smallholder farmers will receive support to establish 100 sqm berry gardens, equipped with drip irrigation systems, which will be implemented in Spring 2025. All participating farmers will also receive training on smart agricultural practices.

• In December, WFP, in collaboration with World Vision Armenia, conducted several financial literacy Trainingof-Trainers (ToT) sessions for Unified Social Service’s social workers across Syunik, Tavush, Shirak, Kotayk, Lori, and Vayots Dzor provinces. These sessions equipped social workers with knowledge and tools necessary to integrate financial literacy into their social work practice. Each social worker received a toolkit, enabling them to conduct independent financial literacy training sessions. The training reached 75 individuals, including parents and children, as well as 50 social workers. This will help improve financial literacy, budget management, and the effective use of household resources.