What happened, where and when?
In June 2023, severe hailstorms struck various regions of Armenia, causing extensive damage and disruption. On 15 June 2023, the South region, particularly rural communities near the border, experienced heavy precipitation. This overwhelmed sewage systems, ooded streets and houses and rendered roads and bridges impassable. The hail and subsequent ooding resulted in signicant damage to houses, livestock, gardens, and food stocks. The hailstorm signicantly impacted four regions of Armenia: Syunik, Shirak, Lori, and Tavush. On 18 June, Gyumri and neighbouring villages in the Shirak region were hit by a hailstorm, followed by heavy rainfall in Ijevan and neighboring villages in the Tavush region on 19 June. The Tavush Regional Rescue Department Crisis Management Center received numerous alerts on 19 June, reporting signicant damage caused by heavy rain, hail, and wind in Ijevan, Tavush. Uprooted trees, ooded roads and buildings, damaged roofs, and disruptions in power and gas supply networks were observed. Crop gardens and elds were also aected, leading to accidents in utility and energy systems. Committees were formed in the municipalities of Tavush Marz and Ijevan to assess the extent of the damage. Additionally, the Lori region experienced another wave of heavy rain on 19 and 20 June, aecting rural areas near the town of Stepanavan. On 2 August, heavy hail caused damage to the houses in the Alaverdi community. These events led to road destruction, electricity and water supply disruptions, and other infrastructure damage. The damage caused by the storms exacerbated the vulnerabilities of some population groups, particularly in communities already burdened by earlier conict escalations and their aftermath. The Armenian government, regional authorities, local rescue services, and municipalities worked diligently to restore energy and water supply and reconstruct roads and bridges. Vulnerable population groups sought urgent assistance for basic needs such as food and household items to cope with the restoration of houses and recovery of agricultural activities.