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Argentina + 4 more

Southern Cone, South America: Appeal No. MAA46002 Mid-Year report


This report covers the period 01 January 2010 to 30 June 2010

Programme purpose: Support five National Societies in the Southern Cone and Brazil to effectively operationalize Strategy 2020 and the Inter American Plan 2007-2011.

Programmes summary: During the first half of 2010, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies' (IFRC) Regional Representation for the Southern Cone and Brazil has coordinated with and supported the National Societies of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay to implement actions, based on the country plans in four of these National Societies, to strengthen their response skills, better face humanitarian challenges, recover institutional governability, increase National Society visibility, and use the humanitarian challenges of emergencies to catalyze institutional growth and stability.

The Chilean earthquake and tsunami on 27 February 2010 demanded sustained focus in responding to the humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable people in the affected areas. The IFRC and the Chilean Red Cross issued an Emergency Appeal in response to the earthquake. The Regional Representation provided human and technical resources, and supported the integration of the operation's plan of action into the previously established strategic plan and adapted the country support plan. The Regional Representation also facilitated coordination with other International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement members contributing in Chile and outside the country to the Chile Earthquake Operation. The response efforts have resulted in slight delays in on-going programme implementation which has given rise to rescheduling several of the planned activities in the region's National Societies.

Nonetheless, in the first six months of 2010, comprehensive and tailor-made support to the region's National Societies continued in the areas of disaster risk management, health and care, and organizational development. The Disaster Risk Management programme worked with the region's National Societies to undertake diverse community-based activities. The Health and Care programme has focused on HIV and AIDS, community health and health in emergencies in line with the plan. The Organizational Development programme continued its joint planning processes, started late last year, with the region's National Societies. This period's actions have focused on Statutes reform, the strengthening of the territorial network, the country plans and the development of volunteer systems, as well as community-based activities. All of the programme areas have worked in an integrated manner with the National Societies to provide technical support and facilitate planning, monitoring and evaluation activities, which contribute to ensure that the country support plans respond to the particular needs, interests and current context in each country.

Whilst the programme and administrative tasks have been challenged by scarce funds or delay in receipt of projected funds, Principles and Values is now included in programming as a crosscutting strategy due to the lack of dedicated human resources to implement work in this programme area. During the reporting period, the Regional Representation also experienced the reduction of its human resources in the Health and Care programme. Despite these challenges, the Regional Representation reaffirms its commitment to provide appropriate membership services to the National Societies and contribute to fulfilling the International Federation's mission.

Financial situation: The total budget for 2010 is 898,280 Swiss francs (888,309 US dollars or 696,796 euro), of which 556,055 Swiss francs (62 per cent) covered during the reporting period (including the opening balance). Overall expenditure during the reporting period was 275,534 Swiss francs (31 per cent) of the budget.

No. of people we have reached: The Regional Representation focuses on building the capacities of National Societies in the Southern Cone and Brazil. The direct beneficiaries are the National Societies' staff, governance bodies and volunteers in the national headquarters and at the branch level. The indirect beneficiaries are the members of civil society in these countries since the strengthening of the National Societies' capacities and the technical support offered by the Regional Representation contributes to their comprehensive actions in their home countries.

Our partners: The Regional Representation continues to work with the following partners: the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO), the Regional Humanitarian Information Network Project (Redhum), United Nations agencies-including UNDP, PAHO, UNAIDS- as well as the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the United Kingdom's Department for International Development (DFID). Movement coordination continues with the Regional Delegations of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Partner National Societies (PNS) such as the American Red Cross, the Finnish Red Cross, the German Red Cross, the Norwegian Red Cross, the Spanish Red Cross, the Swedish Red Cross and the Swiss Red Cross which cooperate bilaterally or multilaterally with the five National Societies of the region. Tripartite cooperation agreements exist between the ICRC, the IFRC and each of the five National Societies in the region. Within the Chile Earthquake Operation, the Chilean Red Cross and the IFRC have established additional partnerships with other PNS, international organizations and agencies, national institutions and bodies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the private sector.