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Argentina + 4 more

SitRep July-September 2024 R4V Southern Cone Platform


Some developments from the subregion

The quarter in the subregion was impacted by the closure of the diplomatic missions of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Argentina and Uruguay, following the presidential elections of July 28. Only in Paraguay and Bolivia remains consular assistance for Venezuelan refugees and migrants in the Southern Cone.

In Argentina, last September 6 th the National Directorate for Migrations (DNM) published the Disposition 388/2024, through which the “Special Regime of Migratory Regularization for Natives of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela” was made official. In the province of Mendoza, the local government decided to extend until December 31st the entry into force of the measure which ordered the tariffing of health services for all foreigners without residency in process of registration. R4V partners also warned about the extension of restrictive measures to access to health, to support programs for GBV, and to the justice system in different provinces, as well as legislative projects that aim to restrict access to higher education.

In Uruguay, in the context of the implementation of the “Residencia por Arraigo” program, the Orientation Guide with frequently asked questions and answers about it was made public on July 19.

In Bolivia, there was an increase in the number of refugees and migrants irregularly leaving Santa Cruz de la Sierra for Brazil, crossing through the Corumbá, as reflected in the Movements Report for the second quarter of 2024.